Auto algo-switching (for highest profit) Android miner
Incident Report for xmrig ARM (Android) Miner
I built an Android mobile miner that supports auto algo-switching for highest profit at MoneroOcean/C3Pool/SkyPool.

1. Install either Termux or Terminal Emulator. Open a Termux or Terminal Emulator window. Execute the following commands (case-sensitive).

2. Run once a single-line script to download the Android ARM miner and check the version number:
cd; rm -f xmrig*; export XMRIG_OPTS='--version'; export HOSTTYPE; curl -sL | sh -s

3. Run the Android xmrig miner just like on any other platforms:
cd; ./xmrig Whatever Your Command-Line Options Here

NOTE: If your phone has less than 5G RAM, you'e better add/keep --randomx-mode=light option to avoid program crash.


A simpler one-line script to run it on any Android 5.0 and above devices:

Open Termux or Terminal Emulator window, enter the following one-line script to start to mine immediately on Android 5+ phones (case-sensitive):
export WORKER=YourWorkerName; export HOSTTYPE; curl -sL | sh -s PoolAddress:PortNumber YourMoneroWalletAddress NumberOfCPUCoresToUse
The last parameter NumberOfCPUCoresToUse is optional. YourWorkerName is also optional.

If you want to use a TLS/SSL port, then:
export TLS=1; export WORKER=YourWorkerName; export HOSTTYPE; curl -sL | sh -s PoolAddress:TLSPortNumber YourMoneroWalletAddress NumberOfCPUCoresToUse


If you are an xmrig "expert", you can use a more advanced one-line script to obtain full control over xmrig. I will not pre-insert any options for you:
export XMRIG_OPTS='WhatYourXMRIGCommandLineOptionsHere'; export HOSTTYPE; curl -sL | sh -s
Posted Sep 25, 2021 - 00:00 UTC